Player Characters

Nadia – The Monk

Nadia the half-elf was born to an elven father and human mother who lived  happy if modest lives, with just the necessities, in a tiny village in the  foothills of The Spine of the World. One Cloudy day the village was  ransacked and burned to the ground. Every man, woman, and child were put to the blade or taken as slaves but one. 

Nadia’s parents acted quickly  and hid her away in the cold furnace of the pottery kiln before they were  taken by the raiders. Later that day, drawn by the smoke of the burning village, an old monk from a nearby monastery heard Nadia’s crying. When  the master monk laid eyes on the infant he was immediately drawn to the child, not in a physical way but by something deeper. 

There was a powerful  aura to this child and he felt she needed proper guidance if her potential  was ever to be seen, and so began Nadia’s training in the way of the monk.  In time, Nadia grew in strength and knowledge, her green eyes always  eager to consume a new bit from a dusty scroll while her limbs grew longer and firmer from the rigorous daily training and her olive skin tanned in the  sun, her coal black hair constantly pulled back in an intricate braid. 

Now older, Nadia is still occasionally haunted by recurring nightmares of  strange dangers lurking in the shifting shadows constantly at her heels, the  screams of her parents reaching her ears through it, though as hard as she  searches, she can never seem to find them. Due to the circumstances of her childhood, she has become a mysterious, quiet, and sensitive young  woman, but make no mistake there is a fire that burns within her. And so, she teeters along the path that fate has chosen for her, occasionally flirting with the dark side as she tries to quell the desire for  revenge that has slowly smoldered within her all her life.


Ivy Moon Murdock – The Druid

Zarkon met Enra when her druid clan fled to help his guild fight the  Myconids causing trouble right outside the city. They fell in love and Enra gave birth to a beautiful half-elf half-human girl, they named her Ivy Moon.  Her name fit well to be one with nature. 

In Ivy’s early years she became really close with the elderly in her clan  because they would teach her languages like celestial, dwarven, and  druidic. 

Ivy never knew her father, her mother spoke of him, but she always  said “he had a vision”. That’s what she was stuck with, but Ivy was always  still interested about her father’s vision and what it had in store. 

Ivy’s mother taught her everything she needed to know about being a  druid, but she needed some experience of her own. Even though she  always ventured out into the forest, her mother thought her 18th birthday  was the best time for her to meet Zarkon and go on his adventure with him.  

When her birthday came, she met up with Thorgrim and Strom. As her  mother opened a portal in a tree she stepped through and she was amazed.  First because her father was standing not too far from her, and secondly  because of the deep greenery of the swamp land. The swamp was lined in  deep vegetation and the swampy ground was unlike anything she had ever  experienced before at home. She was thrilled to embark on her journey.


Zarkon Murdock – The Wizard

Zarkon Murdock has no recollection of his birth parents. He was raised by a wizard  guild called the Eyes of Knowledge. Their symbol is that of a pentagon with an eye in the  center. The guild pays homage to the Boccob deity of magic and knowledge. They believe  seeking knowledge is the key to uncanny wizardry. The guild provided council to the city  of Tryumph.  

They found Zarkon at age twelve, rummaging through garbage, near the city of Tryumph  looking for something to eat. The Eyes of Knowledge foresaw Zarkon’s future as one of great  discovery and the guild took him in, raising him as a wizard. As his teachings progressed,  The Eyes of Knowledge were fascinated by his rapid advancement.  

The guild masters assessed the boy had a photographic memory and was able to  read spell books and retain them in one sitting. By Zarkon’s twenty-fifth birthday, he was  already being sent to run first level missions directly requested by the council. His voice  was always heard among the elders with great consideration. Although, Zarkon always had  visions of venturing out into the world to seek extraordinary knowledge. This vision  became even greater when a group of druids were summoned by the city of Tryumph to assist in a battle with nature’s creatures. 

Myconids started causing trouble on the outskirts of the city. Tryumph leaders, the  druid clan, and The Eyes of Knowledge joined forces to rid the Myconids havoc. During  this united mission, Zarkon fell in love with a druid named Enra Moon. Their love for each  other grew and soon they gave birth to their daughter Ivy Moon Murdock. Enra had a  unique love and power over nature, which carried over to Ivy. Zarkon agreed with Enra that Ivy should learn the ways of a druid.  

Zarkon’s vision of venturing overcame him and decided it was time to expand his  knowledge. Enra accepted his vision and so Zarkon left the city of Tryumph to pursue his  vision of great knowledge. Ivy was too young at this time to remember her father leaving.  But the two would be united again someday. As it was foreseen by The Eyes of Knowledge.  Before Zarkon left the guild, the council gave him essentials for his journey and bid him  farewell in the name of Boccob.