Dim Forest Part II

After approximately a half days travel through the Dim forest, the adventurers spot an ogre within sixty feet with it’s back towards the party. Nadia and Castor decide to ambush the ogre in front of them. Zarkon and Brother Thimble quickly discuss with Castor and Nadia, and they give Castor and Nadia the upper hand with some helpful spells. Zarkon cast enlarge person upon Nadia, while Brother Thimble cast bull’s strength on Castor. Immediately after Zarkon and Brother Thimble cast their spells, Castor and Nadia, charge the ogre in a surprise attack with their coordinated effort. The ogre is brought down immediately as they strike it down with brute force. A loud thud echos through the Dim forest, as the ogre’s body hits the ground. Suddenly, yells of outrage and anger ring out, as several more ogres stomp out of the woods. The other ogres join the fray in response to the ambush by Castor and Nadia.

OgreAnd so the combat commences as Castor and Nadia pivot to their right they continue their assault on the party of ogres with a coordinated attack on the second ogre. The second ogre drops with a thunderous echo, a ring of dust appears and dissipates from where the ogre fell. With the fall of the second ogre, The castors advance to stay in proximity while using their ranged spells, Brother Thimble stands ready to support those in need and Zarkon continues to press the attack casts magic missile sending two bolts of iridescent pulsing energy burn into the third ogre.

The third ogre comes within range and swings with rage at Nadia but missing by a mile. Nadia feels the wind hit her face from the ogres attempt and responds with a flurry of blows and landing them both. Due to the huge tree trunks the fourth ogre is not able to engage at that moment makes his way around the third ogre to attempt join the fight. Jimini, the rogue, moves into the shadows and among the trees waiting for the just the right moment to strike. Zarkon advances once more releasing more magic missiles into the fight, as Brother Thimble keeps pace at his side. Third ogre swings at Nadia and again misses, as the fourth continues to maneuver into range to attack. At the very moment a fifth ogre joins the fray, and Castor takes a massive blow from the fifth ogre, but in his blood fury rage he shrugs off the blow as if he barely even noticed. Then Castor strikes back at the ogre with great strength, and the ogre is shocked by unexpected the power of the strike. 

Combat 1Suddenly from the other side of the field a sixth ogre steps into view of Zarkon and Brother Thimble and begins to advance with murder gleaming in his eyes.  With that the cleric cast a Sound Blast hitting the third and fourth Ogres, and leaving the third ogre stunned. At the same time Zarkon loosed a barrage of Magic Missiles into the oncoming sixth ogre as they try back away from him. The fourth ogre finally engages Nadia in melee but is unable to connect as the half-elf monk nimbly dances out from under the blow at the last moment.  And in similar fashion the fifth ogre takes another swing at Castor but this time he is ready and attack misses it’s mark. But the sixth ogre advances on Zarkon and pummels him with a blow that nearly knocked him from his feet. From the shadows Jimini lets loose with another sling shot but this one flies wide.

Combat 2At this point Castor buries his large great sword in the fifth ogre and it falls with a thud and remains motionless.  And in turn Nadia takes two swings, one at the third ogre who also falls motionless and one at fourth ogre who just missed her which also connects.  Zarkon downs a healing potion and Brother Thimble cast heal on him as well snatching him back from deaths door. The fourth ogre swings at Nadia and misses again. Now having just seen the cleric heal Zarkon after hitting him just moments ago, this time the sixth ogre swings and connects with fury on the Healer. Then from the cover of the tree trunk another bullet from the shadows finds its mark with a resounding snap at the sound of thick, heavy bone cracking and the ogre puts his hand to the side of his head to stanch the blood flow.  With a mighty war cry Castor spits the fourth ogre on his great sword as it feebly continued it’s attempts to smash the evasive form of Nadia the monk. And with one final cry of agony the sixth and final ogre bursts into flames when Zarkon activates his magic wand of Flaming Hands, shooing forth a raging cone of fire which engulf the massive creature as it dies.

Additional Writing Credit: Aaron Davis @adavis

the DM Lair

LIVE STREAM – Dungeon Master Q&A and NPC Creation Live Stream

The Dim Forest Part I

The party left the temple of Merikka and arrived at the Mayor’s Zakarias Ormond’s house, while he was speaking with Ramne the wizard and Jimini Fatsack the half-ling, around mid morning. They had the shopkeepers daughter, a thirteen year old girl named Cirilli Finla, who they saved from the Temple with them. She was happy to tell the heroes everything she knew. She explained that there is a dungeon located in the swamp south of the Dim Forest. There is a giant serpent with the face of a human charming villagers. Cirilli Finla goes on to say that she was able to resist the charm and the high priest Abramo had been holding her prisoner ever since. 

The heroes thanked the little girl for her information. Castor and Thorgrim each patted one of her shoulders when she was done. Knowing her family had succumb to the charm of the beast she could not go back to the shopkeepers store so she stayed with Mayor Ormond for the time being.  Dwarves and barbarians don’t always get along, although both Thorgrim and Castor have seen many innocent children killed in battle. Past memories that haunt them both and memories that unite their intentions to protect those who can’t fight for themselves.

Thorgrim, Castor, and Nadia begin discussing about the information they have just received. Thorgrim hastily decides to stay behind to protect other villagers from being kidnapped and charmed by the Serpent King. Castor gives Thorgrim’s hand a notable special shake and wishes him swift kills and Nadia tells Thorgrim his skills will be missed. Then Thorgrim sets off for the elves house to strategize on their efforts in town.

They informed the Mayor that they had infiltrated the temple and eradicated all the evil entities that resided inside the temple. The Mayor questions Thorgrim’s leaving and Nadia explains his intentions. Then Our heroes also mentioned to the Mayor, that they came across some magic items while in the temple. Mayor Ormond kindly asks old man wizard Ramne, as his familiar purched on his left shoulder, if he would be able to identify the magic items. Ramne kindly responded with a nod and asked the heroes to place the magic items on a table in the center of the room. Each hero placed a magic item on the table, as they placed them one next to the other.

The old wizard waved his right hand in the air above the items and a wand magically appeared in his hand, as his index finger and thumb held it very slightly. He went over each item waving his wand ever so slightly. As Ramne did this, he explained what each magical item was and its purpose. The first item was a set of [strong arm bracers], second was a pair of [ki straps], third a [ring of silent spells], fourth a [ring of arming], fifth item a [ring of water breathing], sixth item a [ring of antivenom], seventh a [ring of the darkhidden], eighth item a [mask of sweet air], ninth item [bottle of air], tenth item a [ring of protection], and an [immovable rod]. Ramne presented the first item to the Castor Troy and the second to Nadia explaining that each item would be extremely helpful to these particular heroes.

Just as the rest of the adventurers picked up the rest of the magic items, Mayor Ormond introduced Jimini Fatsack to the party. The Mayor explained that he was the son of Glimini Fatsack, a friend of the Mayors whom he went on many adventures with back in the day. Jimini is a rogue like his father before him. The Mayor stated, Jimini studied rogue skills under his father and that he would be a good asset to the adventurers. All the heroes agreed and Jimini joined the party. After meeting Jimini, the adventurers left the Mayor’s house and set foot to visit the magic curator’s store.

As the party entered the magic curator’s store, the cleric felt a heavy sense of loneliness as he passed through the threshold. The magic curator levitated off the ground, as he looked to be meditating. Surrounding the store were walls of book shelves full of ancient scripts of books. A voice could be heard by all the adventurers, but the magic curators lips were not moving. The voice asked what the heroes were seeking and if they didn’t have coins in their purses to spend, that they just leave him in peace. Castor stated that he had money to spend and was looking for a bigger magical sword. One that was much more powerful than the one he currently possessed.

A voice laughed, then suddenly stated that he did, but would gladly buy the one Castor had from him as well. The barbarian drew his sword from his sheath and presented it to the magic curator. Right as the great sword lifted from Castors hands, another long great sword, twice the size as Castor’s, appeared in front of the curator. It began to glow an amber color as is slowly presented itself into Castor’s hands. A voice rang out saying, the sword presented to you shall destroy anything you hit and crush them. Then the voice stated Castor will also find his coin pouch to be heavier than it was before. An excellent buy and exchange, the voice exclaimed. Castor’s eyes widened in amazement, as he glanced at his massive long great sword. Then he sheathed it with great confidence.

Nadia took a step forward and with a little uneasiness in her voice made her request. She asked the curator if he possessed any shuriken of returning. A voice again suddenly boomed out and stated that Nadia could have them for a price. Nadia held out the gold in her hand as it vanished before her eyes. Soon after, a set of shuriken of returning appeared in the same hand she held the gold. She set them into he belt awaiting for the next sequence of combat. Nadia stepped back among the party and gave a slight bow to the magic curator.

Zarkon knelt down in front of the curator, knowing this curator to be of great power. Power Zarkon hoped would be his some day if he continued to practice more spells on his adventurers. Zarkon touched the temple to his head with two fingers slight of hand and made his request. He asked the curator if he had the scroll for a spell of whirling blade. A long silence occurred, then the voice stated he had the spell for a hefty price of three hundred gold. Unfortunately, Zarkon didn’t have enough gold, so Castor offered to pay for the scroll for Zarkon. Castor didn’t care much for riches, but only for glory in battle and the legacy of his feats. Zarkon took Castor’s gold with great appreciation and it vanished from his hand. Just as quickly as the gold vanished, a scroll appeared in Zarkon’s hand.

The other party members made their requests for healing potions, as the curator gladly took their money and health potions floated off a shelf from the back of the store into each heroes bag of holding. Brother Thimbile could still feel a heavy sense of loneliness within the store. Once everyone had their request fulfilled, the adventurers left the magic curator’s store. As each hero crossed the threshold each one could hear a voice wishing them well on their journey south. When the Cleric crossed the threshold, he could not hear a voice, but only have the sense of loneliness abate him as he went outside.

The adventurers walked over to the Slumbering Serpent Inn to stay for the night. It was essential for the heroes to be rested and prepared for the trek south of town. They were sure the travel would be full of unexpected encounters. They rented the same rooms they had before and all got a full nights rest before the next morning. All met downstairs at the entrance of the inn and started their travel south of the village. The further south the heroes went the more abandoned farms they came across. By night fall, the adventurers reached the edge of the Dim forest and had left all signs of civilization behind them.

The Dim ForestThe heroes made camp that night and setup three rounds of night watch. The three rounds of night watch were very uneventful and early the next morning, the party started trekking into the forest. The Dim forest is aptly named. No sunlight pierces the thick greenery of the ancient trees. The trees are roughly ten to fifteen feet in diameter and two hundred to two hundred and fifty feet tall with a thick canopy covering the forest terrain bellow.

To Be Continued…

Happy New Year

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope St. Nick brings you everything you wanted and more this Christmas. Our Botch Happens crew had an awesome game last night. The party battled it out with huge giants in The Dim Forest. I will post an update soon about our insane encounter. Maybe next year we can have a Christmas theme game and go against a few Krampus like creatures. 

D20 ChristmasEnjoy the time you have with your family and party safe out there. I can’t believe 2020 is just around the corner. How fast the year 2019 went by right?! I’m looking forward to sitting at home in Texas and watching the people in New York freeze their butts off waiting for the ball to drop. I happen to find some really cool Christmas music. Check it out below if you wish.

Campaign Bravo

Our adventurers Have come from all across the realms of the Dungeons and Dragons world. Each with their own sets of experience and expertise in magic and combat. This motley crew assembled, not by coincidence, not by chance, but by the fate of heroes joining forces for adventure. Our party consist of a Cleric Brother Thimble, a Fighter Thorgrim, Nadia a Monk, the Barbarian Castor Troy, the Wizard Zarkon Murdock, and a Sorcerer named Strom.

Map of GoadCastor Troy began his trek through the realm in search of adventure and fame. Durring his travels he stopped to have a drink in a small hamlet called Goad one day. Just as he was siting to have his brew, a rough looking dwarf in scale mail with a great axe slung over his shoulder walks into the tavern and up to the bar. By the wear on his gear, Castor could tell he had definitely seen some action. Thorgrim glances around the room and their eyes meet. Castor gives a nod as he raises his glass to Thorgrim. Thorgrim stares back as he takes in the sight of the massive muscle bound form of the barbarian, his shoulders and chest criss-crossed with scars. He seems to recognize a fellow fighting spirit and nods in return. Thorgrim knows he shouldn’t start a fight while expecting company from Brother Tuson, the cleric he had been assigned to work with on his current mission, he thinks about is anyway. Although, the dwarf feels the barbarian would be an admirable adversary, he decides there might be time for that after he meets his co-worker. Both give each another look as if showing mutual respect for each other, the most bad ass warriors in the tavern.

Krell Tuson, the cleric, comes walking into the tavern and addresses Thorgrim. At that exact moment the local blacksmith burst into the tavern and begins pleading for anyone to help him. The blacksmith is screaming at the top of his lungs for help. He explains to everyone who is willing to listen, that a band of goblins has abducted his daughter. They took her hostage and the blacksmith is suddenly at a loss for words as he starts to weep. Castor gets up, grabbing his two handed sword within a leather sheath and throws it over his right shoulder. Thorgrim gets up at the same time as Castor, then asks the blacksmith which direction he saw the goblins headed last. Tuson follows Thorgrim and the three look at each other in agreement to unite for the feat at hand.

World MapThorgrim takes the lead as he, Castor, and Brother Tuson travel two days north of Goad to a forgotten tomb. A tomb that had recently been taken over by the goblins who had kidnapped his the blacksmith’s daughter. The heroes underwent  series of ambushes and skirmishes to wipe out the goblins saving the little girl. After annihilating the goblins, our heroes found a hidden burial chamber destroyed the skeletons inside and recovered some magic weapons, that would be useful to the adventurers later on. Then they escorted the little girl back home to the Hamlet of Goad. The villager and the blacksmith threw a feast in honor of the hero’s good deeds and Drax, a bard, sang songs of the heroes and requested to travel with the group of adventurers.

While Thor, Castor, and Brother Tuson were busy rescuing the Blacksmith’s daughter, Nadia the half-elf monk was going through her own trials.  Nadia was facing off with Martim Ka’Jee, a fellow student of the way, for graduation in their training. Upon defeating Martim, Nadia was chosen by the Grand Master to depart the monastery and fight the evils growing in the land. So she departed with Old Man Tapper, the cart master who carries the cheese and beer from the monastery to the Hamlet of Goad to be picked up by the merchant trains. Along the way they were ambushed by Martim who swore vengeance on Nadia for his humiliation at her hands, and for a second time Nadia defeats Martim in hand to hand combat.  This time she would take him captive and turn him over to the authority for his crime.

The three heroes, Thorgram, Castor, and Brother Tuson left Goad the next day with the bard Drax for the Village of Orlane. Three hours later Nadia, a half-elf monk, arrives in Goad and turned over her prisoner to the constable. At the same time, brother Tuson’s long time friend Brother Thimble arrives with dire news for Tuson. And with that Brother Thimble and Nadia set off after the adventurous heroes in an attempt to catch up with them.

While traveling, Thorgrim, Castor, Drax, and Tuson made camp with a traveling merchant at a rest stop between the two hamlets of Goad and Dorsie. That night they were attacked by a group of giants spiders. At the same time, Nadia and Brother Thimble are still on the road and are also ambushed by the spiders. After repelling the attacks, the group goes into the spider cave and wipes out the infestation. Once things settle down, Brother Thimble reveals to Brother Tuson he has been called home for family matters and Brother Thimble was sent to replace Tuson. The next day, the merchant left for Goad with Brother Tuson and the adventurers went onto the next stop the Hamlet of Dorsie.

Map of OrlaneAfter leaving Dorsie, the adventurers cleaned out a second cave of spiders and continued on toward the Village of Orlane. An hour outside of Orlane, our heroes were ambushed by a group of bandits and a grand battle ensued. Once Castor eviscerated the leader and Thorgrim took out the brute, the rest of the bandits fled into the woods. Later in Orlane, the adventurers spoke to the Mayor while collecting a bounty, the Mayor explains the troubles in the village started about a year ago. Then the party stays the night in the same room at the Golden Grain Inn. The Heroes were receiving horrid vibes, so they agreed to stick together that night.

The following morning the adventurers talked to the towns people. In doing so, they discovered that the monks and priests of the Temple had disappeared a year ago. Since then, other families and craftsmen had been abducted from town throughout the year. Sometimes they came back a week or so later but sometimes they never came back at all. The heroes found a few Troglodytes under the inn that had burnt down six months back. At one point the blacksmith lost his sanity as Castor approached him at his shop in an attempt to question the blacksmith. The blacksmiths family had to restrain him.

The Mayor called in a favor to get the heroes a meeting with an extra-dimensional magic emporium. The heroes bought health potions and various other useful potions. The Mayor wasn’t sure where to start, but the old lady in that cottage and the elves were both looking into the temple. The elves agreed to help the adventurers scout the temple. Although the elves were skeptical at first by the request.  After a recon of the town, the adventurers were briefed by the Mayor and were ushered into the towns favorite inn the Slumbering Serpent by the proprietor’s wife.

Temple MapNews of the heroes deeds had traveled with them and Drax would spend the bulk of her time in town telling stories and singing songs while gathering the local news. As the adventurers entered, they were given a heroes welcome with glasses raised in respect. The owner and her husband escorted the heroes to the best table setting in the eatery of the inn. The adventurers agreed rest was needed, so they stayed the night at the Slumbering Serpent before striking the temple the next night. They all knew they needed to be at a hundred percent for the strike.

The team of adventurers split up into two groups. Half went over the back wall and opened the gate for the other half. Drax cast sleep on the watch and the dogs. Then the team entered the secret side entrance and found the wizard Zarkon as well as the sorcerer Strom tied and bound. The two joined the group as magic casters. Then entered a hallway full of several monks as the adventurers took them out with little struggle. Then the team eliminated the assistant priestess in her chamber.

After taking out the priestess, the team made their way upstairs. The first room upstairs was full of skeletons, which the heroes destroyed. As the heroes then made it down the hallway an ambush of goblins laid havoc, but one by one the adventurous heroes took them out. They then made their way through the torture room. Next another hallway the team killed the lackey from the woods who was patrolling the temple. A high priest Abremo was surprised by the adventurers, as they entered his room. As the adventurers confronted him in combat, the barbarian sealed his doom with a final blow. The heroes then noticed the young woman in the cages and release her.  She is Cirilli Finla, the shopkeeper’s daughter and she has a lot of information about all the strange things going on in Orlane.

Happy Thanksgiving, to you and your family!

I hope everyone is enjoying their family on Thanksgiving. A time to be thankful for the people we hold dear to our hearts. This year I’m thankful for my wife and our daughter Avery. She is doing really well and growing stronger every day.

We’re hoping Avery will be able to come home in December. Although, it will probably be closer to January, which is her original due date. She is a little over a two pounds as of this week. This picture was taken on November 15th, exactly one month old to the day.

Happy turkey and football day! Go! Saints Go! Who Dat??!!