
Tabletop Audio & Sy...
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Tabletop Audio & Syrinscape

Eminent Member Admin Registered

I came across two websites that I wanted to share. One is full of audios for background music and sound effects. You can go to it by clicking *TABLETOP AUDIO*. It has a lot of music for certain situations in game play.

The other site you can go to as well, by clicking *SYRINSCAPE*. It is more like a sound board app for your phone, which could be handy. I think you have to create an account to add more sounds to your sound board app. 

Please reply with comments on what you think about the website and sound app. I hope everyone is having a good winter break enjoying family and friends.


This topic was modified 5 years ago by William Pender
Topic starter Posted : 12/28/2019 11:17 PM