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[Sticky] D&D Game Night!

Eminent Member Admin Registered

Aaron is still recuperating from his bicycle accident. His arm cast is off, but still getting around by the use of a walker. Aaron is wanting to try to have a D&D game night in December. He’s trying to coordinate it for December 21st or 28th. This will probably depend on everyone’s schedule during the holidays. Both those days are on a Saturday. More will be posted when the date is narrowed down a little bit. 

I also believe Ben will be traveling at this  time, so the dwarf fighter will be MIA. We wish him “God Speed!” on his journey.

Topic starter Posted : 11/28/2019 4:54 PM
Eminent Member Admin Registered

Aaron has informed me that the 21st of December is looking pretty good. I'm sure he will follow up with the group and get a better consensus. That is this coming Saturday. I will update this post once I know more.

Topic starter Posted : 12/15/2019 7:50 PM
Eminent Member Admin Registered

We're on for Saturday! I'm looking forward to it. I will post in the blog after. I hope everyone is having an awesome holiday this year. Merry Christmas!

Topic starter Posted : 12/20/2019 8:29 AM