Thorgrim vs White Death

Deep within the frozen heart of the northern mountains, where jagged peaks pierced the sky and icy winds howled through treacherous passes, lay an ancient and perilous dungeon known as the “Frostfell Abyss.” This desolate place held a… Read More

The Troll’s Den

After fighting the two Remorhaz and convincing the Ice Villager you are strong enough to fight the dragon, the party entered the Ice caves hunting for their mark. Ivy saved a sick Ice Hunter and he gave her… Read More

Interrogation & Troubled Dreams

The main room is quiet except for the constant dripping sounds which seem to fill every waking moment in this swampy underground environment.  The torch light burns on unwavering in the still, stifling, humid air.  Nadia has been… Read More

Officer’s Quarters

After holding up in a secure room to gather their wits following their battle with the harpies and take count of their resources, our fearless heroes decide to venture forth into the dungeon once more. Heading back to… Read More

Door X

We start in the treasure room with our fearless heroes. From this room they move back to the east through the foyer and around the corner. The path splits off to the east and also continues north. To… Read More

Into The Darkness

The heroes build up their courage making sure everyone within the party is ready and begin their descent down the muddy stairs. Each step they take squelching as their weight pressed on the stairs. Then the monk Nadia… Read More

Dim Forest Part II

After approximately a half days travel through the Dim forest, the adventurers spot an ogre within sixty feet with it’s back towards the party. Nadia and Castor decide to ambush the ogre in front of them. Zarkon and Brother Thimble… Read More

The Dim Forest Part I

The party left the temple of Merikka and arrived at the Mayor’s Zakarias Ormond’s house, while he was speaking with Ramne the wizard and Jimini Fatsack the half-ling, around mid morning. They had the shopkeepers daughter, a thirteen… Read More

Campaign Bravo

Our adventurers Have come from all across the realms of the Dungeons and Dragons world. Each with their own sets of experience and expertise in magic and combat. This motley crew assembled, not by coincidence, not by chance,… Read More