The Troll’s Den

After fighting the two Remorhaz and convincing the Ice Villager you are strong enough to fight the dragon, the party entered the Ice caves hunting for their mark. Ivy saved a sick Ice Hunter and he gave her his crampons after which the group quickly found their way to the Troll’s den where they were ambushed by a Dire Troll and one of his underlings.

After cleaning out the troll’s den and getting some cool loot the group entered the hallway just in time to encounter a squad of kobalds. Strom fried them with a fireball and most of the group were able to salvage crampons for their boots from the corpses.  Then headed south and found two more caves. The second one held a tent hut, but before they could explore a mutant acid troll attacked the group.

 Once the troll was dead the party explored the hut to find the person they were sent to rescue, Maccath the Crimson, a Tiefling. She was a wealth of knowledge on the complex and the dragon they will be assaulting next.

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