Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year. Lets hope and pray 2021 is not as chaotic as 2020. I’m guessing they will be streaming the ball drop this year in Time Square, due to the everlasting pandemic, which is complete bull crap. Whatever! We have a PC out of commission for the moment, so that’s why we haven’t posted the latest blog regarding the adventure of our heroes thus far. Once that’s resolved we will get back to our adventure and be posting them again soon. Just be on the lookout for them sometime after New Years day.

The decision is in the are about posting our adventures in podcast format. There are plenty of those type of podcast out there, but we are hoping to make this one a little more unique if possible. More to come on the podcast, which will be posted on our podcast page. We want everyone to play it safe and enjoy family and friends as we get closer to Christmas Day. I know I speak for some, that 2020 was just a disaster and that we are so ready to begin anew in 2021. Happy New Year everyone.

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