Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy ThanksgivingEveryone at Botch Happens would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! This is the time of year where we give thanks for the people we are surounded by and support us in out time of need or just during rough times. Also, we give thanks for all things we are able to have and do in our daily lives. We hope you had lots of turkey and were able to catch up with friends or family considering current state of this pandemic. I know some states had a curfew. Even San Antonio had a curfew from 10pm to 5am the following morning. This I’m sure put a damper on Black Friday shoppers. I on the other hand don’t really like to be out and about on this day. It’s just to much chaos and I think we have had enough chaos in our lives just because it’s 2020!

Lets hope we all got some needed rest as we transition to Christmas. I’ve already seen decorations out since last week of October. This year has gone by so quickly. Anyways, stay safe and thank you for following our blog and keeping up with our campain. We are still working on the last encounter and will post it as soon as we can. Life has just kinda happened and some of us are really busy folks at the moment. Please continue your support of our blog and comment if you can, thank you.

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