Unprecedented Times

Covid 19

By now you have probably heard the term a billion times over. “These are unprecedented times.” I am even guilty of having used that phrase in my letters to parents for my students. You also know that all schools have been closed for the 2019-2020 school year. Not only that, but it’s mandatory to wear a mask when you go out in public. This was an executive order made by our Texas Governor Greg Abbott. To be honest, I think it’s sad that we even have to make this an executive order in order for all folks to realize you must wear one.

Anyways, being held captive in your home for weeks on end is scary and it’s getting a little hard to do so. Some folks just plain don’t like being told what to do and when they are they tend to do the opposite. When I went to the corner store this morning. A man walked in and had to be told by someone who worked there that they MUST wear a mask. The man replied, as if he had no idea he actually needed to wear one, “I need to wear a mask if I come inside the store?” Well duh, of course you HAVE TOO!

This is all pretty messed up stuff if you ask me. I am now teaching from home, which has been nice, but difficult at the same time. I know it’s super difficult on the parents as well. I am looking forward to getting back to normal very soon. When we can all join up and have more D&D sessions at the DM’s house and continue our journey through the dungeon. Unfortunately, we are not quite there yet, but we will get there sooner than later hopefully. So, to make light of things here is a video to make you laugh your ass off. Enjoy!

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