Swamp Battle

After the encounter with the ogres our band of adventurers made camp for the night some distance from the combat sight.  Back at town, in the elm grove Thorgrim, the dwarf fighter and Strom, the sorcerer, meet up with Ivy Moon, the half-elf druid. She has been studying druidic magic alongside her mother for the past eighteen years. Ivy’s mother sends Thorgrim, Strom, and Ivy to meet up with the rest of the heroes by opening a portal in a tree. Further to the south Nadia, Castor, Zarkon, and Brother Thimble see a portal open in a tree on the edge of camp as Thorgrim, Strom, and Ivy walk through.

SwampThe next morning the group continues to follow their little guide, the ever energetic Whiskers the weasel, farther south through the ever deepening trees. After about half a day of uneventful travel the land begins to become swampy. Shortly thereafter Zarkon spots some troglodytes among the swamp land, and he signals to the rest of the heroes and the encounter begins. Zarkon cast Magic Missile on the leading troglodyte and Brother Thimble cast Bull’s Strength on Castor. Castor goes into his rage, as his eyes fill with fury and advances, but is unable to charge due to the marshy terrain. The troglodytes are startled, as if they may retreat in fear of the barbarian raging before them. Thorgrim follows behind at a slower pace, as his dwarven stature can only carry him so far. Yet he also has lusts for for battle in his eyes, while he advances.

Strom gets within range of the troglodytes and casts magic missiles at the lead troglodyte. Two purple bursts of light shoot out from his hands, striking the troglodyte dealing massive damage. Jimini Fatsack, the gnome rogue, moves silently into hiding, blending himself among the rocks, along the shore. With his sling loaded, he whirls his sling shot and lets it release as he hits the second troglodyte. Just as the bullet is released and hits the troglodyte, the rest of the heroes advance in position.

TroglodyteCastor advances, as he brings his great sword down with awesome strength, and slices diagonally through the troglodytes center mass. The left side of the lead troglodytes body falls and green blood spurts, as the troglodyte is left mangled. Strom launches another volley of magic missile. With his hands and arm in circular motion, Strom releases two more pulses of purple light. This time hitting the second troglodyte. At this point, the second troglodyte throws his javelin at Castor hitting the Barbarian. Castor doesn’t even seem to notice with the fury of his rage flowing through his veins. Castor gives an enormous battle cry, which thunders through the swamp. The second troglodyte is intimidated and turns to flee back into the swamp. Then seeing their opponents in a panic, Ivy cast entanglement and ensnares all the troglodytes.

The party continues to move forward and Jimini pegs the third troglodyte with his sling. Then creeps quickly back into the shadows unseen. The third and fourth troglodytes can’t escape the entanglement cast by Ivy, the young druid half-elf. Castor progresses toe to toe against the second troglodyte. He swings his great sword from right to left, going right through the waist line of the second troglodyte with fierce force. Again, green blood splatters across Castor’s chest, as the look of triumph is instilled upon his face.  With victory plainly in sight the party pushes in to finish off their prey when suddenly two hulking creatures with out warning surge forth from the murky water. The first one slams Zarkon and entangles him with his tentacle. The second creature grabs the fourth troglodyte up, tears the troglodyte in half, and shoves one of the two halves into it’s gaping maw.

Troglodyte ShamanIvy swiftly identifies them as Shambling Mounds, and tells the party she knows what they are called. She informs the heroes what they are capable of and to use caution. Ivy then casts Bull’s Strength on Thorgrim and he chops into the first Shambling Mound with his great axe hacking off it’s arm and freeing Zarkon in the process. Nadia strikes at the first Shambling Mound with a flurry of blows, but is unable to inflict any damage on the hulking creature. Seconds later, Jimini whirls his sling shot and hits the shambling mound with a sling bullet. Zarkon stands up from being prone and steps away from the first shambling mound.

Castor then forces his way through the entanglement to engage the second shambling mound. He takes a swing digging through the shambling mound and massive amounts of mud spew from the creature. Brother Thimble gets within range of Zarkon casting heal on Zarkon, while taking damage in the process. Strom raises his hands waist level, making slight gestures, as he casts magic missile on the first shambling mound. Ivy heals Brother Thimble after he took damage with getting Zarkon some aid.

Thorgrim raises his axe to his side and swings, hitting the first shambling mound again, carving away huge amounts of vines and other plant material. Nadia makes her move getting into position to strike, but misses. Jimini takes another whirl of his sling at the creature and misses. His sling bullet goes wide of his mark. Zarkon notices Nadia’s frustration and casts Enlarge Person on Nadia. Nadia’s body begins to grow as she now takes up a ten foot space on the battle ground. At that very moment, Castor brings his great sword forward, driving his great sword into the second shambling mound and dealing another massive blow. Castor then takes one foot against the shambling mound pulling his great sword out of the creature.

Brother Thimble surveys the combat and takes a strong stand by holding his position. Strom fires two purple light magic missiles on the first shambling mound and kills it, as it drops to the swampy grounds. Ivy dismisses entanglement and summons an earth elemental. At this time troglodyte number two unloads a huge green stink cloud, as it engulfs Castor’s surroundings. Castor’s stomach begins to turn from the putrid smell that surrounds him and hurls.

Thorgrim raises his great axe, swinging it in a downward motion, as he screams with intensity. Thorgrim’s huge axe blade ripping through the second troglodyte’s body. Green blood and guts spitting out everywhere, as Thorgrim’s axe goes straight down the middle. Two troglodyte halves slowly fall to the way side splashing into the swampy waters.

Shambling MoundJust as the second troglodyte falls, Zarkon casts magic missile on the second shambling mound. Zarkon’s hands motioning at mid point from his body. Then with a flick of his wrist, the tip of his wand flashes and two huge silver pulses of light sore through the swamp lands nailing the shambling mound, dealing mid-range damage.

Castor raises his great sword above his head and brings it down with a rage of fury in his eyes. While Castor’s sword pierces through the air in a downward motion, he suddenly feels sick to his stomach. The green cloud of putrid smoke makes him projectile vomit on the shambling mound, while his sword drops to his side in one hand. The shambling mound is not amused with Castor’s attempt and turns to the earth elemental.

Ivy’s earth elemental makes an attempt to strike the shambling mound, but can’t seem to damage the massive thing. The earth elemental gives the shambling mound a nice target and strikes the earth elemental dealing damage. At this very moment, Strom readies another Magic Missile, and with crossed forearms, he releases two huge pulses of purple light. They race into the face of the second Shambling Mound dealing maximum damage.

Swamp Battle FootageAnd with a final battle cry, Thorgrim, grabs one of the shambling mound’s writhing tentacles, lifting him into the air, he descends with a mighty cleave right through the massive creature with his great axe. The tentacle drops to the ground, as our heroes gather and regroup. Behind them, the second shambling mound slowly plummets to the ground with a colossal rumble. The sound echoes through the swamp, while restless birds scatter among the swampy trees.

Once the commotion had settled the group continues to the south and after many hours of trudging through a seemingly endless sea of rushes, the adventurers see a low barrier in front of them.  Soon thereafter the party reaches this barrier to find it is in actuality a larger circular dike made of mud and wood. The dike is holding back the swamp water from a small muddy island not but 30 feet across in the center of the circular structure.  in the middle of the island is a dark opening with muddy stairs descending into the dark.

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