Dim Forest Part II

After approximately a half days travel through the Dim forest, the adventurers spot an ogre within sixty feet with it’s back towards the party. Nadia and Castor decide to ambush the ogre in front of them. Zarkon and Brother Thimble quickly discuss with Castor and Nadia, and they give Castor and Nadia the upper hand with some helpful spells. Zarkon cast enlarge person upon Nadia, while Brother Thimble cast bull’s strength on Castor. Immediately after Zarkon and Brother Thimble cast their spells, Castor and Nadia, charge the ogre in a surprise attack with their coordinated effort. The ogre is brought down immediately as they strike it down with brute force. A loud thud echos through the Dim forest, as the ogre’s body hits the ground. Suddenly, yells of outrage and anger ring out, as several more ogres stomp out of the woods. The other ogres join the fray in response to the ambush by Castor and Nadia.

OgreAnd so the combat commences as Castor and Nadia pivot to their right they continue their assault on the party of ogres with a coordinated attack on the second ogre. The second ogre drops with a thunderous echo, a ring of dust appears and dissipates from where the ogre fell. With the fall of the second ogre, The castors advance to stay in proximity while using their ranged spells, Brother Thimble stands ready to support those in need and Zarkon continues to press the attack casts magic missile sending two bolts of iridescent pulsing energy burn into the third ogre.

The third ogre comes within range and swings with rage at Nadia but missing by a mile. Nadia feels the wind hit her face from the ogres attempt and responds with a flurry of blows and landing them both. Due to the huge tree trunks the fourth ogre is not able to engage at that moment makes his way around the third ogre to attempt join the fight. Jimini, the rogue, moves into the shadows and among the trees waiting for the just the right moment to strike. Zarkon advances once more releasing more magic missiles into the fight, as Brother Thimble keeps pace at his side. Third ogre swings at Nadia and again misses, as the fourth continues to maneuver into range to attack. At the very moment a fifth ogre joins the fray, and Castor takes a massive blow from the fifth ogre, but in his blood fury rage he shrugs off the blow as if he barely even noticed. Then Castor strikes back at the ogre with great strength, and the ogre is shocked by unexpected the power of the strike. 

Combat 1Suddenly from the other side of the field a sixth ogre steps into view of Zarkon and Brother Thimble and begins to advance with murder gleaming in his eyes.  With that the cleric cast a Sound Blast hitting the third and fourth Ogres, and leaving the third ogre stunned. At the same time Zarkon loosed a barrage of Magic Missiles into the oncoming sixth ogre as they try back away from him. The fourth ogre finally engages Nadia in melee but is unable to connect as the half-elf monk nimbly dances out from under the blow at the last moment.  And in similar fashion the fifth ogre takes another swing at Castor but this time he is ready and attack misses it’s mark. But the sixth ogre advances on Zarkon and pummels him with a blow that nearly knocked him from his feet. From the shadows Jimini lets loose with another sling shot but this one flies wide.

Combat 2At this point Castor buries his large great sword in the fifth ogre and it falls with a thud and remains motionless.  And in turn Nadia takes two swings, one at the third ogre who also falls motionless and one at fourth ogre who just missed her which also connects.  Zarkon downs a healing potion and Brother Thimble cast heal on him as well snatching him back from deaths door. The fourth ogre swings at Nadia and misses again. Now having just seen the cleric heal Zarkon after hitting him just moments ago, this time the sixth ogre swings and connects with fury on the Healer. Then from the cover of the tree trunk another bullet from the shadows finds its mark with a resounding snap at the sound of thick, heavy bone cracking and the ogre puts his hand to the side of his head to stanch the blood flow.  With a mighty war cry Castor spits the fourth ogre on his great sword as it feebly continued it’s attempts to smash the evasive form of Nadia the monk. And with one final cry of agony the sixth and final ogre bursts into flames when Zarkon activates his magic wand of Flaming Hands, shooing forth a raging cone of fire which engulf the massive creature as it dies.

Additional Writing Credit: Aaron Davis @adavis

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