Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope St. Nick brings you everything you wanted and more this Christmas. Our Botch Happens crew had an awesome game last night. The party battled it out with huge giants in The Dim Forest. I will post an update soon about our insane encounter. Maybe next year we can have a Christmas theme game and go against a few Krampus like creatures. 

D20 ChristmasEnjoy the time you have with your family and party safe out there. I can’t believe 2020 is just around the corner. How fast the year 2019 went by right?! I’m looking forward to sitting at home in Texas and watching the people in New York freeze their butts off waiting for the ball to drop. I happen to find some really cool Christmas music. Check it out below if you wish.

One Comment on “Merry Christmas

  1. Hello and Merry Christmas!

    The game was a blast! I am glad everyone could make it. I look forward to scheduling another session with everyone next year!


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