Campaign Bravo

Our adventurers Have come from all across the realms of the Dungeons and Dragons world. Each with their own sets of experience and expertise in magic and combat. This motley crew assembled, not by coincidence, not by chance, but by the fate of heroes joining forces for adventure. Our party consist of a Cleric Brother Thimble, a Fighter Thorgrim, Nadia a Monk, the Barbarian Castor Troy, the Wizard Zarkon Murdock, and a Sorcerer named Strom.

Map of GoadCastor Troy began his trek through the realm in search of adventure and fame. Durring his travels he stopped to have a drink in a small hamlet called Goad one day. Just as he was siting to have his brew, a rough looking dwarf in scale mail with a great axe slung over his shoulder walks into the tavern and up to the bar. By the wear on his gear, Castor could tell he had definitely seen some action. Thorgrim glances around the room and their eyes meet. Castor gives a nod as he raises his glass to Thorgrim. Thorgrim stares back as he takes in the sight of the massive muscle bound form of the barbarian, his shoulders and chest criss-crossed with scars. He seems to recognize a fellow fighting spirit and nods in return. Thorgrim knows he shouldn’t start a fight while expecting company from Brother Tuson, the cleric he had been assigned to work with on his current mission, he thinks about is anyway. Although, the dwarf feels the barbarian would be an admirable adversary, he decides there might be time for that after he meets his co-worker. Both give each another look as if showing mutual respect for each other, the most bad ass warriors in the tavern.

Krell Tuson, the cleric, comes walking into the tavern and addresses Thorgrim. At that exact moment the local blacksmith burst into the tavern and begins pleading for anyone to help him. The blacksmith is screaming at the top of his lungs for help. He explains to everyone who is willing to listen, that a band of goblins has abducted his daughter. They took her hostage and the blacksmith is suddenly at a loss for words as he starts to weep. Castor gets up, grabbing his two handed sword within a leather sheath and throws it over his right shoulder. Thorgrim gets up at the same time as Castor, then asks the blacksmith which direction he saw the goblins headed last. Tuson follows Thorgrim and the three look at each other in agreement to unite for the feat at hand.

World MapThorgrim takes the lead as he, Castor, and Brother Tuson travel two days north of Goad to a forgotten tomb. A tomb that had recently been taken over by the goblins who had kidnapped his the blacksmith’s daughter. The heroes underwent  series of ambushes and skirmishes to wipe out the goblins saving the little girl. After annihilating the goblins, our heroes found a hidden burial chamber destroyed the skeletons inside and recovered some magic weapons, that would be useful to the adventurers later on. Then they escorted the little girl back home to the Hamlet of Goad. The villager and the blacksmith threw a feast in honor of the hero’s good deeds and Drax, a bard, sang songs of the heroes and requested to travel with the group of adventurers.

While Thor, Castor, and Brother Tuson were busy rescuing the Blacksmith’s daughter, Nadia the half-elf monk was going through her own trials.  Nadia was facing off with Martim Ka’Jee, a fellow student of the way, for graduation in their training. Upon defeating Martim, Nadia was chosen by the Grand Master to depart the monastery and fight the evils growing in the land. So she departed with Old Man Tapper, the cart master who carries the cheese and beer from the monastery to the Hamlet of Goad to be picked up by the merchant trains. Along the way they were ambushed by Martim who swore vengeance on Nadia for his humiliation at her hands, and for a second time Nadia defeats Martim in hand to hand combat.  This time she would take him captive and turn him over to the authority for his crime.

The three heroes, Thorgram, Castor, and Brother Tuson left Goad the next day with the bard Drax for the Village of Orlane. Three hours later Nadia, a half-elf monk, arrives in Goad and turned over her prisoner to the constable. At the same time, brother Tuson’s long time friend Brother Thimble arrives with dire news for Tuson. And with that Brother Thimble and Nadia set off after the adventurous heroes in an attempt to catch up with them.

While traveling, Thorgrim, Castor, Drax, and Tuson made camp with a traveling merchant at a rest stop between the two hamlets of Goad and Dorsie. That night they were attacked by a group of giants spiders. At the same time, Nadia and Brother Thimble are still on the road and are also ambushed by the spiders. After repelling the attacks, the group goes into the spider cave and wipes out the infestation. Once things settle down, Brother Thimble reveals to Brother Tuson he has been called home for family matters and Brother Thimble was sent to replace Tuson. The next day, the merchant left for Goad with Brother Tuson and the adventurers went onto the next stop the Hamlet of Dorsie.

Map of OrlaneAfter leaving Dorsie, the adventurers cleaned out a second cave of spiders and continued on toward the Village of Orlane. An hour outside of Orlane, our heroes were ambushed by a group of bandits and a grand battle ensued. Once Castor eviscerated the leader and Thorgrim took out the brute, the rest of the bandits fled into the woods. Later in Orlane, the adventurers spoke to the Mayor while collecting a bounty, the Mayor explains the troubles in the village started about a year ago. Then the party stays the night in the same room at the Golden Grain Inn. The Heroes were receiving horrid vibes, so they agreed to stick together that night.

The following morning the adventurers talked to the towns people. In doing so, they discovered that the monks and priests of the Temple had disappeared a year ago. Since then, other families and craftsmen had been abducted from town throughout the year. Sometimes they came back a week or so later but sometimes they never came back at all. The heroes found a few Troglodytes under the inn that had burnt down six months back. At one point the blacksmith lost his sanity as Castor approached him at his shop in an attempt to question the blacksmith. The blacksmiths family had to restrain him.

The Mayor called in a favor to get the heroes a meeting with an extra-dimensional magic emporium. The heroes bought health potions and various other useful potions. The Mayor wasn’t sure where to start, but the old lady in that cottage and the elves were both looking into the temple. The elves agreed to help the adventurers scout the temple. Although the elves were skeptical at first by the request.  After a recon of the town, the adventurers were briefed by the Mayor and were ushered into the towns favorite inn the Slumbering Serpent by the proprietor’s wife.

Temple MapNews of the heroes deeds had traveled with them and Drax would spend the bulk of her time in town telling stories and singing songs while gathering the local news. As the adventurers entered, they were given a heroes welcome with glasses raised in respect. The owner and her husband escorted the heroes to the best table setting in the eatery of the inn. The adventurers agreed rest was needed, so they stayed the night at the Slumbering Serpent before striking the temple the next night. They all knew they needed to be at a hundred percent for the strike.

The team of adventurers split up into two groups. Half went over the back wall and opened the gate for the other half. Drax cast sleep on the watch and the dogs. Then the team entered the secret side entrance and found the wizard Zarkon as well as the sorcerer Strom tied and bound. The two joined the group as magic casters. Then entered a hallway full of several monks as the adventurers took them out with little struggle. Then the team eliminated the assistant priestess in her chamber.

After taking out the priestess, the team made their way upstairs. The first room upstairs was full of skeletons, which the heroes destroyed. As the heroes then made it down the hallway an ambush of goblins laid havoc, but one by one the adventurous heroes took them out. They then made their way through the torture room. Next another hallway the team killed the lackey from the woods who was patrolling the temple. A high priest Abremo was surprised by the adventurers, as they entered his room. As the adventurers confronted him in combat, the barbarian sealed his doom with a final blow. The heroes then noticed the young woman in the cages and release her.  She is Cirilli Finla, the shopkeeper’s daughter and she has a lot of information about all the strange things going on in Orlane.

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